kfogel@collab.net wrote:
>Branko Čibej <brane@xbc.nu> writes:
>>kfogel@collab.net wrote:
>>> 1. Convert CVS repository at time T to a dumpfile.
>>> 2. Start loading the dumpfile into an SVN repository.
>>> 3. While it's loading, continue working in CVS.
>>> 4. When the load is done, take all commits in CVS since time T, and
>>> replay them into the new SVN repository.
>>> 5. From now on, all work happens in Subversion.
>>Your recipe is a lot more complicated than mine, _and_ it requires
>>some manual conversion from CVS. Shame on you. :-)
>Yes, but mine doesn't involve resetting working copies later :-).
Urgh. Yikes. Shame on me, then.
-- Brane
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