> >If the encoding of the po file (say UTF-8) does not match the active
> >locale (say iso-8859-1) then at least GNU gettext will translate the
> >UTF-8 from the po to iso-8859-1 in the presence of a 'charset=' string.
> >When this happens the output of *gettext() won't be
> >the required UTF-8...
> >That's why I don't see any other way than preventing gettext to know
> >what to translate from. You are ofcourse free to temporarily add them,
> >but they can't be in the Subversion repository or the 'compiled' mo...
> >
> I'm saying this:
> Implementations which convert charset and support
> bind_textdomain_codeset():
> so we call bind_textdomain_codeset() and everything is OK.
> Implementations which do not convert charsets and do not suppoer
> bind_textdomain_codeset():
> so we make all the .po files UTF-8 encoded.
> Is there an implementation which convert between charsets and do not
> support bind_textdomain_codeset()? Only if such an implementation exists
> it should be required to strip the encoding specification from the .po
> files, IMO.
I don't know any such system, but only have GNU gettext available and know
about the existence of the Solaris one. Although I have tried to find out I
have no idea if this completely describes the problem space. (Usually that
means it doesn't :-)
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Received on Mon May 3 10:50:07 2004