Shlomi Fish <> writes:
> Hi!
> The purpose of this E-mail is to suggest a protocol for the
> trace_old_file_location function over WebDAV/DeltaV (to be
> implemented as a client in libsvn_ra_dav and as a server in
> mod_dav_svn). The function will use a REPORT request, with the
> following customized XML Body:
Adamently opposed to "trace_old_file_location". Don't box us into
this one operation, please. I'd much rather have the RA interface
called just RA->get_locations()
svn_error_t *
get_locations (apr_hash_t **locations,
const char *path,
svn_revnum_t peg_revision,
apr_array_header_t *location_revisions,
apr_pool_t *pool);
Allow folks to pass a path, a peg revision, and a set of location
revisions. The return hash maps those same location revisions to
the location paths.
DAV REPORT request protocol would look similar to what you suggested,
save for <S:get-locations> instead of <S:trace-old-file-location>,
<S:location-revision> instead of <S:past-revision>, and the ability
to specify many <S:location-revision> tags.
DAV REPORT response protocol would be something like:
<S:get-location-report xmlns...>
If the PATH@PEG-REVISION doesn't exist, you get a 404. Otherwise,
revisions in which the path didn't exist simply don't show up in the
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Received on Thu Apr 8 15:58:32 2004