>1) I'm a Spaniard, but I don't want to see Subversion messages in
> Spanish (I usually *hate* the translations, and they are often
> outdated or plainly wrong^1). So I hope the client can be "convinced"
> to send "Accept-Language: en" (or no Accept-Language at all).
>2) My webbrowser sends "Accept-Language: es" (I visit Spanish pages in
> the web), but I'd hate to browse a remote repository and get Spanish
> translation on the HTML or XML view... How would that be posible?
You have the power. You can just set LC_MESSAGES to whatever you feel like.
>Note ^1: Even if they're correct, there's an issue of Spanish being
>spoken by 350+ Mp in a few dozen countries, each one of them with
>localities. Call me snob, but I prefer to read "type" than "tipee",
>"schedule" than "agendado" (and don't get me started on "comando", which
>is a military person, according to the RAE :) I'm not saying the
>translation is incorrect, I'm pretty sure they're the right word for you,
>but they're positively weird for me.
This is off-topic. I have co-workers who can't read English here. The
need for translations is not in discussion.
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Received on Wed Mar 31 16:16:15 2004