On Monday 26 January 2004 07:41, Florian La Roche wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 07:07:56AM -0500, Alexander L. Belikoff wrote:
> > On Sunday 25 January 2004 00:28, Cristian Gafton wrote:
> > > - Installation of a CVS server and associated repositories as the
> > > primary interface for the developers.
> >
> > Hmm... I thought RedHat was going the way of early adoption of SVN?..
> > *This* could be the perfect moment to start eating our own dogfood. ;-)
> I have tried out svn and like it a lot. It is still pretty slow for me
> and the benefits to have branches in "real trees" is not really a
> big improvement.
> You need good support for -HEAD development and everything else should
> be just a few important bug-fixes and security fixes. cvs does fine
> for that.
I understand, but maybe we could still give Subversion a try?.. This would
have the following advantages:
- We would be eating our own dogfood. I am confident this is a vital part of
the product success. SVN is provided within the product, so using it for
"real" stuff would display our confidence in the product.
- It would help Subversion as a product. Not a primary goal, obviously, but a
good one.
- I am sure the Subversion developers will be more than thrilled to help such
a high-profile showcase of their software. Based on my experience, they've
always been very helpful so we should not assume it is going to be different
in this case.
- someone has to make the step and bite the bullet. Subversion needs exactly
this last step that would move it into the spotlight as a legitimate
successor of CVS. Redhat historically has been very brave in biting the
bullet (glibc, kernel, XFree86, etc) which helped making it a popular and
stable platform. This should be easier than glibc ;-)
- It would be much easier to try using it now than to switch later when the
process has been established and some migration path is required.
So let me ask again - could we give it a try? If it doesn't work (and the SVN
team cannot help us) - no problem, we'll go back to CVS. Obviously, by
proposing this, I volunteer to help with setup, configuration, and the basic
SCM process in case my help is needed.
Alexander L. Belikoff GPG f/pr: 0D58 A804 1AB1 4CD8 8DA9
Bloomberg L.P. 424B A86E CD0D 8424 2701
abel *at* vallinor4 *dot* com (http://pgp5.ai.mit.edu for the key)
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Received on Tue Jan 27 07:52:01 2004