On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 10:10:47AM -0500, Greg Hudson wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 01:06, kfogel@tigris.org wrote:
> > Solidify vote for r8055, r8085, r8104, r8105, after talking to David.
> I wasn't sure what to do about this.
> The various packaging maintainers have long appeared to take the
> attitude that it's appropriate to fix problems by adding kludges to the
> packaging materials rather than by submitting patches to the core
> Subversion code. Consequently, we get into the position where certain
> fringe functionality will work better (or perhaps just differently) if
> you install an RPM instead of building from source.
> r8085/r8104 is just another example of this attitude. I have a hard
> time voting for what I consider the wrong solution to a problem, even
> though it's consistent with the kind of things which have already gone
> into the packaging directory.
I'd love to see this fixed rather than hacked around. I said something
about this shortly after 0.35.0 IIRC. There seems to be little interest
in fixing it from the core end. The only solution seems to be changes
to the build system which I don't understand well enough to do anything
to. So I can't just submit a patch to fix it. Not without a lot more
time than someone else who already understands the build system. So it
seems a lot more effective use of my time to work on the stuff I do
understand, use a workaround for now, and let someone else fix the build
system. If you consider that a poor attitude I'm sorry you feel that
way. It's not like I didn't raise the issue to you guys.
Ben Reser <ben@reser.org>
"Conscience is the inner voice which warns us somebody may be looking."
- H.L. Mencken
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Received on Thu Jan 8 19:13:19 2004