John Szakmeister <> writes:
> Well, I found something that I think is a little interesting. I went
> and checked the dump file, and for the files that have different line
> endings in their text-bases, the text-bases appeared to be exactly
> what is in the repository (okay, so no surprise there). I went and
> looked at some other files that had the CRLF line ending set, and they
> were being stored in the repository from the beginning with CRLF, or
> they had their contents replaced at some point that had changed the
> line endings.
> I played a little more and found that now when we change the
> eol-style, the contents in the repository changes (I've attached a
> dump of a repo created using the latest version of the tools). So,
> somewhere along the way, this didn't happen with the files in question
> and the text-base is expected to have the correct line endings, but
> doesn't.
Whew. All this data matches our theory about the bug.
> To be honest, the fact that the repository changes kind of frightened
> me, so I tried a few things from the command line.
It shouldn't be frightenening -- we simply decided that a fixed eol
style should be stored in the repository using that eol style. In
other words, as far as eol style goes, the file should be treated like
a binary, since we're not going to do any client-side translation on
it. Changing to a new, fixed eol style and committing is like
committing any other kind of text change.
> I tried to get a
> file into an inconsistent state by making it binary, attempting to set
> the eol-style, and then making it text. I was very happy to find that
> I couldn't do it (the tool would not let me add the eol-style property
> to the file).
When you say "making it binary", do you mean setting the mime-type?
> So, in the end, I think you're right. :-) The COM bindings have been
> around in their state for long enough that they just happened to
> remain unchanged throughout all the line ending changes that were made
> to the tool. We should probably touch the files and just commit them
> so the contents of the repository get updated correctly, but I'll
> leave that task to someone else.
Yup. Thanks for all this research!
You obtained a list of all such files recently; can you post it, and
I'll fix them?
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Received on Wed Dec 31 20:04:47 2003