Thanks to everyone for the discussion.
I had posted this in a message a few days ago. This may clear some things
--- snip ----
We have VSS set up so that the repository is on a shared network drive.
Somehow VSS has a locking mechanism that keeps the different clients from
hosing the repository. Would it be possible to add something similar to
Subversion? I would guess it might work something like this:
1) User A does an initial checkout by typing
svn checkout lan:///k:/logpars/subverion/powerLOGJ/trunk
2) svn notices that the URL protocol is lan, (or nfs or whatever bogus
protocol you like). It determines that K:\logpars\subversion\powerLOGJ is
the directory holding the Subversion repository, so it checks to see if a
file (let's call it lan.lock) exists in that directory. If it does, it
aborts and tells the user that someone else is currently using the
repository and they should try again in a couple of minutes. If not, it
creates lan.lock itself.
3) Assuming we were able to lock the repository, we do the checkout
4) We delete lan.lock
5) All done
I guess the big question is, is there a way to check for the existence of a
lock file, and then create it, without introducing a bunch of nasty race
--- snip ---
This is basically what I was thinking about doing.
David Kopp
General Engineer
(256) 955 - 9902
Received on Mon Oct 27 19:36:01 2003