Francois Beausoleil wrote:
> The steps that led to the error:
> Moved and replaced a few files (GIF files that were renamed/converted to
> PNG);
> Set the svn:mime-type on the files to image/png
> Changed a few XML files to point to the new names
> commit
> K:\leadmanagement>svn commit
> Sending src\xdocs\dblayout.xml
> Deleting src\xdocs\editversionnum.gif
> [snip]
> Adding (bin) src\xdocs\simpledblayout.png
> Transmitting file data .........svn: A problem occurred; see later errors
> for details
> svn: Commit succeeded, but other errors follow:
Is this the point where the crash occurred? So you see this message
then then have to click on the crash dialog before the prompt returns?
> K:\leadmanagement>
> As you can see, I do not have access to the other errors. SVN seems to
> crash before, so it does not have time to tell me what's going on. I
> have had this error three or four times now.
How often do you get this behavior? You mentioned three or four times,
but in total or since .30 or over how long?
> Currently, I have disabled the COM+ and System notification services. I
> have Norton Anti-Virus running in the background. Version 9.05.15 (NAV
> 2003). Maybe I should try with NAV off ?
Yes, please do and post what the results are.
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Received on Fri Oct 3 20:46:52 2003