Ok. I just had this brainstorm....
From: Files <files_at_poetryunlimited.com>
Date: 2003-09-25 05:23:31 CEST
Do we have some way of entering a template for the log message?
So that when we get in there, instead of a line that says "------ everything below this
Or a switch perhaps that would make the files part of the default message?
Or even possibly a switch that would allow us to enter one log message at a time,
I am wondering because it seems to me that when we are making changes, we spend
How do you all do it? Do you maintain a list of changes externally and then just read
Is there a hook to hook into to *generate* this content on the fly before it gets into the
What's the scoop? :) Any information would be appreciated.
Shamim Islam
P.S. I am attempting a stock build of the Mandrake RPMs. So far so good w/ very few
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