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Re: Upcoming release 0.25.

From: Paul L Lussier <pll_at_lanminds.com>
Date: 2003-07-03 21:16:57 CEST


Wearing my other hat as interim release manager (which I thought
would be more difficult than patch manager, boy was I wrong :)
I'm wondering this:

 - Since I've done hard part of reviewing, consolidating, and listing
   changes for the CHANGES file, how much more is likely to be added
   between now and Saturday, which is the designated release day?
   (IOW, am I waiting for more stuff so I can add that to the CHANGES file
   or is what's there what's going to be released?)

 - Is there a specific 'time of release'? or, is it just whenever I
   can get it out as long as it's still within the 24 hours designated
   as the release date ?

   (the reason I ask is that Saturday we're having my daughter's
    first birthday party, and I'm unlikely to be able to get to
    the release until my house is empty of guests sometime around
    20:00 EDT)

  - In release.txt it

     3. Create the release branch, check out a working copy of the branch...

    Before I go and do something really stupid I want to clarify what
    I'm doing (and be able to document it for future maintainers :)

    First, does this really mean 'branch' or does this mean 'tag'?
    There doesn't seem to be anything under svn/branches which looks
    like a previous release, but svn/tags definitely looks like
    what I want...

    Assuming I'm correct, and creating the 'tag' 0.25, is this as
    simple as:

        svn cp -rHEAD http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk \

    and then:

        svn co http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/tags/0.25

   - make sure the working copy contains apr, apr-util, neon, and the
     Docbook tools (XSL, FOP). Those are all needed to build a

     I have these in my current working copy. However, I don't
     remember where/when/how they got there. I also haven't really
     built svn from my wc other than building the docs on occasion.

     Are these also under svn control available for checkout (maybe
     by using svn:externals or something? Or, do I just need to go
     and grab the latest versions of all these sources?
     (another thing I'd like to add to the release docs)


Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE
	It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.
	 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!
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Received on Thu Jul 3 21:17:51 2003

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