Jan Mönnich <Jan.Moennich@newtron.net> writes:
> How about a resync in cvs2svn?
> - cvs2svn /cvsrepository
> - takes two week a normal conversion
> - cvs2svn --sync /cvsrepository
> - gets all commits after start of the last call
> - commiting the new changes
> - this step may be repeated several times
> - Problems may occure with branches,
> because every branches must be checked out again complete
> (because it may start in the mid of a branch)
> --> can be slow, only <5 branches are changed in two weeks
> - and then the import into svn (or took it also long?)
> This may be easier than optimizing and also acceptable.
I think it's a good idea, just won't personally have time to work on
it in the near future.
> > > - Is a svn2cvs planned?
> >
> > Not as far as I know.
> Oh, but it may convince more developer and companies, because a backup of a
> cvs repository is more safe and svn is not only an one way ticket.
Right now our problem is finishing Subversion, not convincing more
people to try it. Many people are already trying it, now they're
waiting for 1.0. :-)
> Can I shift the files in the repository like cvs?
> In cvs I can move the files sub dirs deeper, convert it and move it back?
> Or should I move the files in directory deeper, and make a svn co
> deeper/trunk/* to get rid of deeper/trunk ?
You should read the Subversion book (see doc/book/book/, or check on
the website for a premade copy). If you understand how Subversion
versions directories, you'll know the answers to these questions (and
many others).
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Received on Thu Jun 19 23:16:53 2003