> Jan Mönnich <Jan.Moennich@newtron.net> writes:
> > How about a resync in cvs2svn?
> > - cvs2svn /cvsrepository
> > - takes two week a normal conversion
> > - cvs2svn --sync /cvsrepository
> > - gets all commits after start of the last call
> > - commiting the new changes
> > - this step may be repeated several times
> > - Problems may occure with branches,
> > because every branches must be checked out again complete
> > (because it may start in the mid of a branch)
> > --> can be slow, only <5 branches are changed in two weeks
> > - and then the import into svn (or took it also long?)
> >
> > This may be easier than optimizing and also acceptable.
> I think it's a good idea, just won't personally have time to work on
> it in the near future.
The sync feature would be a requirement because the first
time estimation would be ~2 weeks to convert our repository
without branches. (currently using 5 seconds for some files)
IMHO, I dont think that this is so expensive, if --sync only
extends the last dump files. (only a rerun of the pass 1-5, and
appends the new commits)
> > > > - Is a svn2cvs planned?
> > >
> > > Not as far as I know.
> >
> > Oh, but it may convince more developer and companies,
> because a backup of a
> > cvs repository is more safe and svn is not only an one way ticket.
> Right now our problem is finishing Subversion, not convincing more
> people to try it. Many people are already trying it, now they're
> waiting for 1.0. :-)
> > Can I shift the files in the repository like cvs?
> > In cvs I can move the files sub dirs deeper, convert it and
> move it back?
> > Or should I move the files in directory deeper, and make a svn co
> > deeper/trunk/* to get rid of deeper/trunk ?
> You should read the Subversion book (see doc/book/book/, or check on
> the website for a premade copy). If you understand how Subversion
> versions directories, you'll know the answers to these questions (and
> many others).
Read it and got the answer :)
- The book do not show the capability of a svn merge tag1 tag2 for
repeated merges like cvs.
- Is svn resolve also necessary if all conflict markers in a text file
are removed?
> Best,
> -Karl
many regards
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Received on Fri Jun 20 16:36:09 2003