Greg Stein <> writes:
> ah!
> for component in components[:-1]:
> That'll create a new slice of the list, excluding the last component.
/me sits stunned at the elegance of it all
> anydbm should be fine. 'marshal' is just fine and very fast, if you stick
> with native Python datatypes (list, dict, string, integer, etc). You only
> need Pickle if you need to serialize class instances. My understanding is
> that cPickle is nearly as fast as marshal, but I doubt you'll need much
> beyond a "dictionary" that looks like:
> { "path1": None, "path2": None }
> And you just test with .has_key(path). (I used None in the example cuz you
> don't need a value(?); just the key)
It's gonna be a little more complicated than that, of course, since in
the Subversion filesystem, deleting a path is just a single call to
delete(PATH), yet means that everything under PATH goes away in head.
Since our mini-database has to represent the head tree at all times,
it needs to make all the paths underneath PATH go away when PATH goes
away -- which was the beauty of the current Node implementation, ah
well, easy come easy go :-).
> Be wary of anydbm. If that defaults to dumbdbm, then you're going to end up
> with the index in memory. Kaboom! Suggestion:
> import anydbm
> if anydbm._defaultmod.__name__ == 'dumbdbm':
> print 'ERROR: your installation of Python does not contain a proper'
> print ' DBM module. This script cannot continue.'
> print ' to solve: see blah blah blah'
> sys.exit(1)
> On my RH 7.2 installation, Python has a BDB module. I'd expect that you'll
> be fine with the DBM restriction.
Oh! I thought dumbdbm was more along the lines of CSV text files or
something. Yes, let's insist on a real DBM then :-).
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Received on Tue Apr 29 02:53:14 2003