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Book updates

From: Francois Beausoleil <fbos_at_users.sourceforge.net>
Date: 2003-04-24 04:10:38 CEST

Hi !

I have updated the book. I made this patch directly from the
doc/book/book folder. I only checkout that folder as I do not have the
required C coding skills, so I checkout what I can work on :)

Anyway, you'll see I updated the users@subversion.tigris.org email to
dev@subversion.tigris.org. I was not so sure about that change. I put
it in anyway, at least for the proper markup to be used.

Finally, I documented the fact that on Windows platforms, you *can* use a
drive specification in your file URL. Just use the appropriate syntax.
See the patch below.

Thanks !
Francois Beausoleil

Log message:
* doc/book/book/appa.xml:
  Minor correction to the text.

* doc/book/book/appc.xml:
  Updated markup for support E-Mail address.
  Rewrote section about Win32 file:// URL access to show how to access
  repositories on different drives.

Index: appa.xml
--- appa.xml (revision 5717)
+++ appa.xml (working copy)
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
       Subversion examines the <literal>svn:mime-type</literal>
       property. If the file has no <literal>svn:mime-type</literal>
       property, or has a mime-type that is textual (e.g. text/*),
- Subversion assumes it is text. Otherwise, Subversion it assumes
+ Subversion assumes it is text. Otherwise, Subversion assumes
       the file is binary. Subversion also helps users by running a
       binary-detection algorithm in the <command>svn import</command>
       and <command>svn add</command> commands. These commands will
Index: appc.xml
--- appc.xml (revision 5717)
+++ appc.xml (working copy)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
         Subversion&mdash;from building, to installing, to using
         Subversion. If you can't find the problem you're having here,
         or you've tried everything we recommend with no success, send
- mail to <address>users@subversion.tigris.org</address> with a
+ mail to <email>dev@subversion.tigris.org</email> with a
         detailed description of the problem you're having
         <footnote><para>Remember that the amount of detail you provide
         about your setup and your problem is directly proportional to
@@ -183,14 +183,19 @@
           <para>Then the problem is that Subversion doesn't handle
- file URLs that have a drive specification. Try changing to
- that drive then doing an import without the drive spec. For
- example:</para>
+ file URLs that have a drive specification, unless the URL
+ is properly formatted and special steps are taken to prevent
+ problems. Quote your file URL and put a vertical bar (the pipe
+ character) after the drive specification. An example will
+ help:</para>
-svn import file:///some/path/to/repos/on/d/drive e:\file\to\be\imported
+svn import "file:///D|/some/path/to/repos/on/d/drive
+ <para>You need to quote the URL so that the vertical bar
+ is not interpreted as a pipe.</para>
         <sect3 id="svn-ap-c-sect-1.2.5">

  Francois Beausoleil
  Developer of Java Gui Builder
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Received on Thu Apr 24 04:12:26 2003

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