> I could give you a url, but as a just discovered, you will check out my
> repository without a single error, because I just did it from a remote
> computer. The problem only occurs (and unfortunately exactly what I
> kept doing over and over) when I access my local computer
> through my router by making a hostname request (hence the request
> leaves the subnet, goes out to the internet and comes back home). I am
> beginning to thing this is just a router issue that creates some hicup
> that kills webdav. I could do more ethereal traces on it, but perhaps
> you could just get the community to research the following scenerio,
> since most people have linksys routers anyway:
> install apache2
> install subversion mod
> setup virtual host to svn.mydomain.com on port 8080 (since cable
> companies block 80)
> from the computer which hosts the repository, attempt a local
> checkout by accessing http://svn.mydomain.com:8080/project
> I bet more than the money in my pocket that will fail most of the
> time.
I've got a similiar setup. I use DynDNS, cable modem, and my linksys
redirects the incoming request based on port to a machine on my intranet.
Never had a glitch with it yet. Running on RH8 with the subversion .20
Are you running your server connected as the DMZ host or are you
redirecting 8080 to a machine?
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Received on Sun Mar 30 00:49:27 2003