Karl Fogel wrote:
>Branko Čibej <brane@xbc.nu> writes:
>>Risking a serious mauling, I'd like to revisit the idea of putting the
>>UUID into a file in the repo after all. The reason is issue 688. The
>>only reasonable solution I see for that issue is for the filesystem
>>layer to maintain a per-process table of open databases. One way to do
>>that is to remember the path to the repository, but in the presence of
>>hard and soft links and mount points, that's not foolproof. The other,
>>and IMHO easier and safer way, is to remember the UUID of the opened
>>Now to do that, the server must be able to retrieve the UUID without
>>opening the FS. So I suggest we put the UUID in a file *in addition* to
>>its being stored in a table. There'd be some work involved in
>>maintaining that value (e.g., "svnadmin create" and "svnadmin load"
>>would have to copy it out of the table in the FS), but I think that's
>>not too hard.
>One or the other, but please not both. The same value stored in two
>places is just asking to get out of sync, no?
Yes, although we could make sure they don't. On the other hand, the UUID
in the file doesn't have to be the same as the UUID in the table -- it
would only be used to identify the repository to the svn_repos_open
function. Come to think of it, the two are entirely unrelated, duh.
Forget it then -- when I start fixing issue 688, I'll probably just
stuff any old UUID in there beside the format file.
Brane Čibej <brane_at_xbc.nu> http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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