Matthias Bauchinger wrote:
> hi
> I've a problem updating a repository....
> First of all, I checked out the whole rep.,
> then some changed were made in the rep. on the server, so I wanted to
> update my local HD.
> When I try "svn update", I get the following error:
> F:\CG23\FakedReality>svn up
> svn: Obstructed update
> svn: failed to add directory 'External': object of the same name
> already exists
> where "External" is a subdir of "F:\CG23\FakedReality"...
> when I delete "External" and then do an update, everything works fine.....
> but thats no alternativ, because "External" is about 30 MB and I don't
> want to download it every day...
> Do you have any ideas, what my problem might be?
We might start getting them as soon as you tell us
* what system you're using (client and server)
* which version of Subversion you're using (client and server)
* what those "some changes" were in the repository, exactly (with
precise SVN commands, please, not more verbose prose)
* the structure of your WC tree *before* the changes in the repository
In short, describe your problem conciesly and precisely.
Call me a chauvinist, but why is it that people from certain (slightly
teutonic) parts of Central Europe seem constitutionally unable to write
a bug report? Not just on this list, either -- I have the same problem
with customers at my "real" job.
Brane Čibej <>
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Received on Tue Mar 11 01:25:35 2003