> > Continuing to debug...
> Oh, geez. It seems that my revision 5202 commit broke this. Gonna
> spend a few moments trying to figure out why, but if I can't, I'll
> have to revert (and re-open that issue).
Hm. Well debugging led me to believe that 5202 didn't actually break
something, but perhaps shed light on a previously existing other
problem. I went over that change with a fine-toothed comb, and could
find absolutely no fault with it.
So I took my issue 1003 branch and ran basic_tests 1 over DAV. All
good. Then, I applied 5202's changes to that working copy. Now,
basic_tests 1 failed the same way my /trunk working copy was. After
some debugging, I realized I could make the crazy svn_io_dir_read()
behavior stop if I #if 0-d out this section of libsvn_client/commit.c:
/* Get a readable stream of the file's contents. */
contents = svn_stream_from_aprfile (f, pool);
#if 0
/* Get an editor func that wants to consume the delta stream. */
SVN_ERR (editor->apply_textdelta (file_baton, NULL, NULL, pool,
&handler, &handler_baton));
/* Send the file's contents to the delta-window handler. */
SVN_ERR (svn_txdelta_send_stream (contents, handler, handler_baton, pool));
/* Close the file. */
apr_err = apr_file_close (f);
The test failed, of course, because no file contents were being
imported. But at least the weird stack-smasher-ish bug didn't occur.
So it seemed that one of those two function calls triggered the bug.
Unfortunately, I had no luck debugging what was between that
I tried to turn on pool debugging with "lifetime" enabled, but I think
there are bugs in the implementation of some of those pool debugging
params (Sander, feel free to ping me about this). By the time I'd
un-configured for pool debugging, I could no longer reproduce my
original bug. :-(
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Received on Fri Mar 7 11:21:58 2003