B. W. Fitzpatrick wrote:
>Matthew Hambley <matthew@aether.demon.co.uk> writes:
>>The immediately apparent way to do it would be to make use of the
>>mime.types file in *nix land. Unfortunately this is not necessarily
>>applicable to anything other than *nix and there is no MIME mapping
>>facility in the APR.
>>If this is what people are after than I am willing to float the idea (and
>>do the work) on the APR mailing list. If, on the other hand, people had
>>something else in mind then I wont bother. Clearly it was not something
>>considered useful to Apache otherwise it would be in there already.
>I've actually been interested in a facility like this for quite some
>time. I'd love to hear you out on any designs that you come up
>with--I'd love to see something like this in Subversion.
May I be allowed to express interest, too? :-)
Regarding the nonexistence of mime-type detection in APR:
1. There's no rule that says we can't add something like that to APR,
if the design is well thought out.
2. There's also no rule that says *all* our system-specific code
should come from APR. First, we have some such code in Subversion
(code that definitely doesn't fit into APR), and second, we can
get such code designed, coded and tested within Subversion, and
*then* push it into APR, if it turns out that's appropriate.
Brane Čibej <brane_at_xbc.nu> http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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Received on Tue Mar 4 22:09:59 2003