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RE: Svn client and multiprocessor machine

From: <djheap_at_dhiprovo.com>
Date: 2003-01-30 01:21:20 CET

Following up with some more information:

I moved Apache and the Subversion repository to a different machine so I
could test just the Subversion client alone on the dual processor
machine. If both processors are enabled, the commands fail as before
within a couple of tries (svn update seems to be more likely to fail).
Disabling a processor once again gets things working without failures.

In addition to the previous test, I also moved my working directory to a
different hard drive (this one an 8GB Fujitsu SCSI on a Adaptec 29160N
controller) on the dual processor machine. Again, if both processors
are enabled, the commands sporadically fail as before (it seems to
succeed slightly more often than it did on the IDE drive, however).
Disabling a processor yields no failures at all after dozens of runs.

So it still appears to me to be some kind of race condition on temp
files in the client only.



-----Original Message-----
From: D.J. Heap [mailto:djheap@dhiprovo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 2:06 PM
To: brane@xbc.nu
Cc: Subversion Dev List
Subject: RE: Svn client and multiprocessor machine

Apache and the Subversion repository and the Subversion client reside on
the D: drive which is NTFS -- I have been testing as an administrative
user to rule out security problems (and verified that Administrators
have Full Control of D:), so I don't believe it's a security issue. The
D: drive is an IDE 80GB Maxtor drive -- not very fast but I have had no
trouble with it as far as hardware goes, and it sees heavy usage from
test programs, test databases, builds, etc.

Apache's config is almost the default from the install with a Listen directive, the LoadModule directives for SVN and DAV, and
the following location block:

Location /svn
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath d:\svn_repos

I can send the entire config file if it would help. The Subversion
repository consists of a single project with around 50 source files and
a subdirectory with some resource files. Nothing very large or fancy.

As you can see, both the server and the client are running on the same
machine (and hard drive, causing heavy usage during updates/commits)
right now. I have tried using a Subversion client from a remote machine
(opening up Apache, of course) running the same commands against this
machine and have had no troubles at all -- the server portion has been
very solid for me. I have not yet been able to reverse the situation
(take server off the dual processor and just run the client on dual
processor machine against a remote server) to see if the problem
persists, but I plan on trying that in the next day or two.

My first thought, of course, was that I had configured something wrong,
but I've triple checked and can't find anything (although I'm not an
Apache whiz), and the fact that it all works fine in single processor
mode and on other single processor machines (I only have one dual to
work with) is what has led me to think there may be a race condition in
temp file handling somewhere. Of course, I'm happy to send/change
configuration information or try about anything to get it tracked down.



-----Original Message-----
From: Branko Cibej [mailto:brane@xbc.nu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 12:20 PM
To: D.J. Heap
Cc: Subversion Dev List
Subject: Re: Svn client and multiprocessor machine

D.J. Heap wrote:

I am evaluating Subversion and have run into some issues that I could
not find in the issues database, nor in the list archives.

I have been using it for a while on a single processor test machine and
it has been working extremely well.

I just installed it on another machine with two processors and am
difficulty with even simple 'svn co ...' and 'svn update' commands. If
I disable one of the processors, things seem to start working smoothly.
Re-enabling the 2nd processor causes the errors to begin occurring

The duel processor machine is running WinXP Pro SP1, Apache 2.0.44
(prebuilt binaries) and Subversion 17.1 (prebuilt setup).

With both processors enabled, this fails:

D:\tempsvn co http://localhost:8080/svn/fti/MapBoundaries TestProj
svn: Access is denied.
svn: could not save the URL to indicate where to create activities
svn: svn_io_file_rename: can't move 'TestProj/.svn/tmp/dir-wcprops' to

This is weird. I regularly test Subversion on a dual box, with the same
WinXP SP1 you have -- and without any problems. I think you'll have to
tell us more about your Apache setup, your filesystem type and
permissions, and anything else you can think of.

Brane Èibej   brane_at_xbc.nu   http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
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