Andrew <> writes:
> I've already contributed something trying to get people to
> understand that it is a bit of a hassle to use Subversion with
> Cygwin,
Well, honestly, I don't think you've told us anything new or
surprising. You've described the exact problems *any* win32 commandline
binary would experience running in cygwin: naturally, it's not aware
of cygwin mounts or cygwin env. variables. Surprise, surprise.
> and by writing up the documentation comments (which nobody seems to
> have done anything with; I hope they haven't fallen through the
> cracks).
Actually, I'm one of the doc writers, and I've already marked your
email for study/incorporation... I just haven't gotten around to using
it or responding yet. Sorry for not thanking you earlier. It looks
like great feedback, thanks!
> Building Subversion on Cygwin was the first thing I tried.
> I do not have any more information about why the build failed other
> than what I sent out in my first email.
Sorry, we get so much mail on this list that I truly have no
recollection of that last email. Maybe I can find a pointer to it in
the mail archives.
> if the developers of Subversion want people to use it with Cygwin
> then they could work on this, or at least acknowledge that there is
> some value in the feedback and that they will think about it.
We acknowledge your feedback: and (my) answer to you is, "stop running
the win32 binary under cygwin. Run a cygwin binary instead."
It's not like developers are "snubbing" cygwin and refusing to
acknowledge this platform. I'm not sure where you're getting this
idea. We simply don't have anyone in our community who builds it
regularly. And we don't (yet) release binaries: we only release
sourceballs. The fact that MSVC win32 binaries are posted is *purely*
because a few volunteers bother to do so. Notice we have no Linux,
BSD, or OS X binaries posted. It's assumed (for now) that if you run
these Unix OS'es, then you're building the source yourself. Same with
cygwin... it's just another Unix platform. If subversion doesn't
build on that platform, then the priority here to figure out why and
fix it.
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Received on Fri Jan 10 05:54:25 2003