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A dog's legs should be long enough to reach the ground (was Re: svn 1.0 in 2006 or now?)

From: B. W. Fitzpatrick <fitz_at_red-bean.com>
Date: 2003-01-03 18:40:58 CET

solo turn <soloturn99@yahoo.com> writes:
> hmm ... karl .. the problem is that you are definitly
> not wrong ... BUT:
> - you seem to be in the same situation as jim blandy,
> brilliant and blind for mainstream users needs
> and expectations (add -R choking for existing
> files/dirs for example, ... every newcomer falls
> over that)

OK. I've had about enough of this "1.0 coersion" crap.

An old English teacher of mine would assign us papers throughout the
course of the year, and he flat out refused to tell us how long each
paper should be, regardless of the assignment. To a high school
student, this is absolutely maddening--you want some sort of limit
that you can shoot directly for (or in most case, under).

This prompted a number of students (myself included) to approach him
outside of class and ask him:

    "Really, just how long should this paper be? 5 pages? 1500 words?
    Something like that, right?"

His response every time was:

    "A dog's legs should be long enough to reach the ground."

That is, your paper should be as long as it needs to be--no shorter,
no longer. You're done when you've finished it and said all that you
need to say.

I'll bet you've figured out where I'm going with this by now, and this
isn't just addressed to you, Solo--it's addressed to everyone who
wants Subversion stamped with 'beta' or '1.0' or 'done' before it's
ready to come out of the oven.

Subversion will be declared beta when the majority of its committers
are willing to put their name and reputation behind a 'beta' or '1.0'
product. Until then, it's not 'beta' or '1.0'. Tough.

If you really want to see Subversion hit 'beta' or '1.0', then stop
distracting all the developers with this incessant begging. Go find
an issue slated for the next milestone and (gasp!) FIX it--then it's a
moot point whether or not the issue is relevant to 1.0! If you can't
code or don't have time, then bug your friends who *are* coders to
come and help out. Remember, if you're not part of the solution, your
part of the precipitate.

That's all I have to say about that.


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Received on Fri Jan 3 18:48:49 2003

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