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Re: svn status: does not notice changed file if timestamp of "new" file is older

From: <cmpilato_at_collab.net>
Date: 2002-11-13 20:25:59 CET

solo turn <soloturn99@yahoo.com> writes:

> no, the scenario involves a checkout:
> 1. create a file test.txt, copy it to a different directory
> 2. change the file test.txt (--> different content), check in
> 3. svn co http://..../dir t2
> A t2/test.txt
> 4. copy your saved file test.txt (old timestamp)
> over the t2/test.txt
> 5.
> C:\tmp\t2>svn status
> C:\tmp\t2>svn up
> At revision 127.

I did this on Win98, and it looks correct to me. Is my recipe wrong?

C:\TEMP>deltree wc1 wc2
Delete directory "wc1" and all its subdirectories? [yn] y
Deleting wc1...
Delete directory "wc2" and all its subdirectories? [yn] y
Deleting wc2...
C:\TEMP>svn co wc1
A  wc1/iota
A  wc1/A
A  wc1/A/mu
A  wc1/A/D
A  wc1/A/D/gamma
A  wc1/A/D/H
A  wc1/A/D/H/omega
A  wc1/A/D/H/chi
A  wc1/A/D/H/psi
A  wc1/A/D/G
A  wc1/A/D/G/tau
A  wc1/A/D/G/pi
A  wc1/A/D/G/rho
A  wc1/A/C
A  wc1/A/B
A  wc1/A/B/lambda
A  wc1/A/B/F
A  wc1/A/B/E
A  wc1/A/B/E/beta
A  wc1/A/B/E/alpha
Checked out revision 1.
C:\TEMP>echo "lalala" > wc1\foo
C:\TEMP>copy wc1\foo .
        1 file(s) copied
C:\TEMP>echo "bobobo" >> wc1\foo
C:\TEMP>svn add wc1/foo
A         wc1/foo
C:\TEMP>svn ci -m "adding lalalabobobo foo" wc1
Adding         wc1/foo
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 2.
C:\TEMP>svn co wc2
A  wc2/foo
A  wc2/iota
A  wc2/A
A  wc2/A/mu
A  wc2/A/D
A  wc2/A/D/gamma
A  wc2/A/D/H
A  wc2/A/D/H/omega
A  wc2/A/D/H/chi
A  wc2/A/D/H/psi
A  wc2/A/D/G
A  wc2/A/D/G/tau
A  wc2/A/D/G/pi
A  wc2/A/D/G/rho
A  wc2/A/C
A  wc2/A/B
A  wc2/A/B/lambda
A  wc2/A/B/F
A  wc2/A/B/E
A  wc2/A/B/E/beta
A  wc2/A/B/E/alpha
Checked out revision 2.
C:\TEMP>copy .\foo wc2\foo
        1 file(s) copied
C:\TEMP>svn st wc2
M      wc2/foo
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Received on Wed Nov 13 20:28:55 2002

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