Shlomi Fish <> writes:
> Is it possible for Collab.Net to supply a public hosting service for
> Subversion repositories like SourceForge, BerliOS and friends or
> BitMover's I know I sure would like to use Subversion for my
> projects and cannot because I don't have a net-wide repository.
> I think it will contribute a lot of users to Subversion, and eventually
> greatly speed up its development (see Eric Raymond's "The Cathedral and
> the Bazaar"). I think Subversion is already very usable as it is. Even if
> it has some bugs, users can make use of it now, and so will be able to see
> how great it is.
CollabNet unfortunately doesn't have unlimited resources :-), and we
don't really have the server space or sysadmin time to spare for this.
But anyone with a server at a static IP could do this, it doesn't have
to be CollabNet. Are there any other organizations you could ask?
(How expensive are static IPs in Israel?)
Maybe a friend with a server would want to do this for you, or do it
for everyone as a public service, especially if you volunteered to do
all the software setup and Subversion-related maintenance.
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Received on Wed Nov 13 17:33:52 2002