Zack Brown wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 10:35:41PM +0100, Volker Goetz wrote:
>> Perhaps it's worth putting the two required modules into the
>> repository or at least putting a note to the README where to find
>> and how to install them. Also, there should be a hint that python
>> 2.x is required. In case of me environment just changing "...env
>> python" to "...evn pyhton2" at top of the script or calling
>> "python2" works fine.
> Maybe the .deb file maintainer could add these dependencies as well.
'apt-get install subversion-tools'
| Package: subversion-tools
| Version: 0.14.5-1
| Depends: python2.2-subversion, subversion, rcs, python2.2
| aka:~# cvs2svn
| USAGE: cvs2svn [-n] [-v] [-s svn-repos-path] [-p pass] cvs-repos-path
| ...
As far as I can see, the .deb maintainer is doing a very good job. If
you find a dependency problem, please file it in the debian
bug-tracking system.
-- Naked
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Received on Sun Nov 10 15:22:25 2002