"Ich Selbst" <ichselbst@gmx.ch> writes:
> Stacktrace:
> > TortoiseSVN.dll!apr_palloc(apr_pool_t * pool=0x00000000, unsigned int
> size=40) Line 612 + 0x3 C
> TortoiseSVN.dll!svn_path_join(const char * base=0x00faeb60, const char *
> component=0x01491d6c, apr_pool_t * pool=0x00000000) Line 181 + 0x14 C
> TortoiseSVN.dll!v_extend_with_adm_name(const char * path=0x00faeb60, const
> char * extension=0x00000000, int use_tmp=0, apr_pool_t * pool=0x00000000,
> char * ap=0x01d3f4dc) Line 80 + 0x13 C
> TortoiseSVN.dll!svn_wc__adm_path(const char * path=0x00faeb60, int tmp=0,
> apr_pool_t * pool=0x00000000, ...) Line 129 + 0x17 C
> TortoiseSVN.dll!svn_wc__adm_is_cleanup_required(int * cleanup=0x01d3f6dc,
> svn_wc_adm_access_t * adm_access=0x00faeb40, apr_pool_t * pool=0x00000000)
> Line 590 + 0x1f C
Here's the problem, pool is NULL. I wonder why? It's the result of
calling apr_pool_parent_get on the lock's pool. If I do
p = svn_pool_create (NULL);
pp = apr_pool_parent_get (p);
then pp is the global_poll, not NULL. Is it different because it's in
a cleanup handler, or is it different because it's Windows?
> TortoiseSVN.dll!pool_cleanup(void * p=0x00faeb40) Line 138 + 0x11 C
> TortoiseSVN.dll!run_cleanups(cleanup_t * c=0x00faeb88) Line 1964 + 0xd C
> TortoiseSVN.dll!apr_pool_destroy(apr_pool_t * pool=0x00fa5b48) Line 746 +
> 0xc C
> TortoiseSVN.dll!SVNStatus::GetTextStatus(const char * path=0x00fa5ca8)
> Line 103 C++
> TortoiseSVN.dll!CShellExt::IsMemberOf(const unsigned short *
> pwszPath=0x01d3fc44, unsigned long __formal=16) Line 147 + 0x1b C++
> shell32.dll!773d9841()
> shell32.dll!773d9926()
> shell32.dll!773d986c()
> shell32.dll!773d1970()
Philip Martin
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