--- Greg Dickie <greg@max-t.com> wrote:
> My problem with what what you suggest is that it
> seems like overkill. I need a
> perty onthe overall branch, not every version of the
> branch. If I wanted to
> know what state a particular branch was in would I
> just do "propget status -r
> http://svn.dodo.da/repos/mm/branches/greg-work3" ?
I think you 'know' how Subversion works, but you still
haven't grok'ed the full meaning of versioning the
entire repository.
If you don't mind, I'll step through it (for my sake
as much as for yours ;-)
Each time there's a commit, the /entire/ repository is
versioned. Logically, you can view this as the entire
repository is copied, then the commited change made to
the copy. Physically, it's much more efficient than
that, of course.
So, the HEAD revision /of/, rather than on, the branch
(which, as you know, is just a directory) will have
the latest value of the property. So, the fact that
each version of the branch has the property set should
cause no problems or concerns. In fact, it would give
you the ability to query the state of the branch at
each of its revisions.
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Received on Fri Nov 8 17:22:17 2002