On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 03:00:15PM +0200, Nuutti Kotivuori wrote:
> Jacob Gorm Hansen wrote:
> > does anyone know how svn scales if used for lots of very large
> > (10-20 megs) binary files? Are there any current limits one should
> > be aware of?
> There should be no limitations - but there can be bugs. These bugs are
> almost invariably memory-management related - either on the client or
> on the server.
> Several bugs on memory management have been fixed recently and I've
> unfortunately lost count which still exist.
> But, be sure to run the latest client from the Subversion repository -
> and I think you should not run into any bigger problems. If you do,
> try to work out a reproduction recipe - any bugs found are quite
> important and will probably be fixed as soon as possible.
Also, note that Conectiva has a repository that is well over 5 gigabytes in
size. I don't think they have "huge" files, but certainly the repository can
handle a large amount of data. I've also heard about somebody storing their
.mp3 collection into an SVN repository, and I also know people have tried
shoving some files in the hundred+ megabytes range into SVN.
It should *already* be entirely possible. If it *isn't*, then we've
introduced a regression.
Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/
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Received on Sun Nov 3 23:36:48 2002