Vladimir Prus wrote:
> Hello,
> somehow I've assumed that if I have svn:externals set, then
> "svn up" would update directies mentioned in that properties, as well.
> Seems like it's not the case (and in fact, the subversion book
> source say so).
Well... it appears that in certain cases svn up cares for externals, so
here is a complete recipe, in which it does not.
cd /tmp
rm -rf svn1 svn2 wc1 wc2
svnadmin create svn1
svnadmin create svn2
svn co file://localhost/tmp/svn1 wc1
svn co file://localhost/tmp/svn2 wc2
touch wc2/a
svn add wc2/a
svn ps svn:externals "lib file://localhost/tmp/svn1" wc2
svn ci -m "" wc2
# Sending wc2
# Adding wc2/a
# Transmitting file data .
# Committed revision 1.
# Note: external item not fetched
rm -rf wc2
touch wc1/a
svn add wc1/a
svn ci wc1 -m ""
svn co file://localhost/tmp/svn2 wc2
echo "1" > wc1/a
svn ci wc1 -m ""
cd wc2
svn up
# At revision 1.
# VP: Here, "lib" is not updated
cd lib
svn up
# U a
# Updated to revision 2.
- Volodya
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Received on Fri Nov 1 10:22:10 2002