I tried enabling 'LastChangedDate' property together a test property 'PGVER'.
Then I did
svn propedit svn:keywords
I added
PGVER "pre1"
This segfaults for me just when I close vi (bt below). I tried adding just
PGVER "pre1" to another dir and that was okay. But it crashed on me when I
prepended with another word.
#0 0x4103d501 in kill () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#1 0x42bdcf3d in raise () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
#2 0x4103e8dc in abort () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#3 0x4001c1a2 in write_entry (output=0xbffff604, entry=0x807eb20,
name=0x807d790 ".", this_dir=0x807dae0, pool=0x805a820)
at subversion/libsvn_wc/entries.c:950
#4 0x4001c3ca in svn_wc__entries_write (entries=0x807d798,
path=0x807d788 "", pool=0x805a820)
at subversion/libsvn_wc/entries.c:1048
#5 0x4001caa0 in svn_wc__entry_modify (path=0x807d788 "",
name=0x807d790 ".", entry=0xbffff690, modify_flags=8, pool=0x805a820)
at subversion/libsvn_wc/entries.c:1468
#6 0x4002112f in svn_wc_prop_set (name=0x805abc0 "svn:keywords",
value=0x8070e20, path=0x805ac40 ".", pool=0x805a820)
at subversion/libsvn_wc/props.c:1125
#7 0x4000a7ad in svn_client_propset (propname=0x805abc0 "svn:keywords",
propval=0x8070e20, target=0x805ac40 ".", recurse=0, pool=0x805a820)
at subversion/libsvn_client/prop_commands.c:102
#8 0x0804de10 in svn_cl__propedit ()
#9 0x0804d521 in main ()
(gdb) up 3
#3 0x4001c1a2 in write_entry (output=0xbffff604, entry=0x807eb20,
name=0x807d790 ".", this_dir=0x807dae0, pool=0x805a820)
at subversion/libsvn_wc/entries.c:950
950 subversion/libsvn_wc/entries.c: No such file or directory.
in subversion/libsvn_wc/entries.c
(gdb) print output
$1 = (svn_stringbuf_t **) 0xbffff604
(gdb) print **output
$2 = {
data = 0x807bdf0 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<wc-entries\n
xmlns=\"svn:\">\n<entry\n committed-rev=\"4\"\n name=\"svn:this_dir\"\n
url=\"file:///home/perra/perrar"..., len = 1655, blocksize = 2048, pool =
(gdb) print entry
$3 = (svn_wc_entry_t *) 0x807eb20
(gdb) print *entry
$4 = {name = 0x807cae8 ".", revision = 4,
url = 0x807eba8 "file:///home/perra/perrarepos/splash/.", repos = 0x0,
kind = svn_node_none, schedule = svn_wc_schedule_normal, copied = 0,
deleted = 0, copyfrom_url = 0x0, copyfrom_rev = -1, conflict_old = 0x0,
conflict_new = 0x0, conflict_wrk = 0x0, prejfile = 0x0, text_time = 0,
prop_time = 0, checksum = 0x0, cmt_rev = -1, cmt_date = 0,
cmt_author = 0x0}
(gdb) print *this_dir
$5 = {name = 0x807ee28 "svn:this_dir", revision = 4,
url = 0x807d9c8 "file:///home/perra/perrarepos/splash", repos = 0x0,
kind = svn_node_dir, schedule = svn_wc_schedule_normal, copied = 0,
deleted = 0, copyfrom_url = 0x0, copyfrom_rev = -1, conflict_old = 0x0,
conflict_new = 0x0, conflict_wrk = 0x0, prejfile = 0x0, text_time = 0,
prop_time = 1030324774000000, checksum = 0x0, cmt_rev = 4,
cmt_date = 1030324705580585, cmt_author = 0x807da10 "perra"}
(gdb) print pool
$6 = (apr_pool_t *) 0x805a820
(gdb) print *pool
$7 = {parent = 0x80567a0, child = 0x805c828, sibling = 0x80587a8,
ref = 0x80567a4, cleanups = 0x807ecd0, allocator = 0x805a798,
subprocesses = 0x0, abort_fn = 0x40134554 <abort_on_pool_failure>,
user_data = 0x805a8a0, tag = 0x0, active = 0x807b0d0, self = 0x805a808,
self_first_avail = 0x805a858 " ¨\005\b"}
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Received on Sat Aug 24 22:16:39 2002