hmm ... the original idea of "reconstruct the .svn, if it looks ill
or it is not there any more" was to prevent from "accidents" of all
- deleting
- corrumping
- half way checkout failure
to have a behaviour which comes close to what other tools (like
microsoft visual source safe) do. they are not dependent on
vssver.scc. one should inherit good habits ...
--- mark benedetto king <> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 12:50:41AM +0200, Josef Wolf wrote:
> > What about keeping the .svn area non-writable to prevent people
> from
> > shooting in their feet? While this would still give no guarantee
> > (e.g. people could "mv .svn /tmp") it could catch at least some
> > accidents.
> >
> > --
> Unfortunately, you'd have to make "." read-only in order to prevent
> "mv ./.svn /tmp" from succeeding. That would obviously be
> overkill.
> --ben
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Received on Fri Aug 9 21:01:49 2002