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Re: Core dump

From: Julian Fitzell <julian_at_beta4.com>
Date: 2002-07-26 01:15:11 CEST

Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
> Julian Fitzell <julian@beta4.com> writes:
>>Hmm... just occurred to me, I didn't compile apache with debugging
>>enabled because the problem was in the svn client, but that means apr
>>and apr-util won't have debugging enabled... I was using in-tree apr
>>and apr-util at one point but I can't remember if I was trying to gdb
>>at the time... Ugh, I guess I can just put apr and apr-util back
>>in-tree and try again?
> Definitely. If you have a non-debuggy libapr/apr-util lying around
> your /usr/local/apache2/libs/ area, then the svn client will link
> against them... even if you have apr and apr-util in your source tree!
> (There's an issue filed on this.) That would explain your problem
> perfectly.
> Try moving your apache2 installation to a new name, and rebuild your
> client with --enable-maintainer-mode --disable-shared


So I moved apache from /usr/local/apache2 to /usr/local/apache2.tmp to
get it out of the way. Then I checked out apr and apr-util into the wc.
  Then I did a make clean followed by:

../repos/configure --enable-maintainer-mode --disable-shared

make, make install, then:

gdb /usr/local/svnstatic/bin/svn


Still no backtrace. I dunno... does everything in my system need to
have debugging compiled into it? :) The only other related package
that's linked in is Berkeley DB... does that need to be debugging too?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I've never been quite clear on how
all these debugging/non-debugging libs interact

Any other thoughts otherwise? I'm getting really damn tired of
re-compiling all this stuff :) Any other info I can provide that might
help narrow it down?


Beta4 Productions (http://www.beta4.com)
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Received on Fri Jul 26 01:15:55 2002

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