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Re: svn rollback (Was: Re: svn commit: rev 2162 - ...)

From: Garrett Rooney <rooneg_at_electricjellyfish.net>
Date: 2002-06-12 20:56:15 CEST

On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 07:51:40PM +0100, Philip Martin wrote:
> Garrett Rooney <rooneg@electricjellyfish.net> writes:
> > i mean come on, we're talking about one file for 'rollback' (which i
> > just rewrote to work like everyone other than me assumed it should,
> It's not clear that we were "right" and you were "wrong" :-)

this is certainly a possibility ;-)

> > i'll commit it if we decide we want the command), that's about 100
> > lines, much of which is the header.
> Is it that simple? What happens if I have a working copy that is at a
> mixed revision?
> % svn st -v wc
> _ 7 7 pm ./wc
> _ 8 6 pm ./wc/zig
> _ 8 6 pm ./wc/zig/bar
> _ 9 9 pm ./wc/zig/foo
> How should 'svn rollback -r5 wc' behave?
> The current (your original) rollback is well defined. It removes the
> revision 4 to 5 change from everything in the wc. The behaviour I
> initially assumed would require removing the revision 5 to 7 change
> from wc, the revision 5 to 6 change from wc/zig and wc/zig/bar, and
> the revision 5 to 9 change from wc/zig/foo. Have you managed this in
> 100 lines?
> My guess is that you either remove revision 5 to 7, or revision 5 to
> HEAD, from everything in the wc. If that's the case, it's not clear
> to me that it is correct.

my current 'make it do what i think everyone else wanted' patch has it
doing a merge from the current working copy to the target rev and applying
it to the current working copy. so it actually rolls EVERYTHING back
to the revision you're asking for, including any local mods. i could
change that to be between head and the target rev, and i think that
should preserve local mods (or try to anyway).


garrett rooney                    Remember, any design flaw you're 
rooneg@electricjellyfish.net      sufficiently snide about becomes  
http://electricjellyfish.net/     a feature.       -- Dan Sugalski
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Received on Wed Jun 12 20:56:43 2002

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