Whew...this has been a nightmare.
I have subversion r1587
I have db-4.0.14 stuffed in subversion-r1587/db
I'm using the apr that came with the tar.
I run:
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --disable-shared
and then:
It fails with the can't find '` library. I fix that problem I think.
The make finishes with no problems.
I go to the cmdline directory and run the following.
./svn co <http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk>
http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk -d subversion
apr_error: #20014, src_err 0 : <Error string not specified yet>
OPTIONS request failed on /repos/svn/trunk
apr_error: #20014, src_err 0 : <Error string not specified yet>
The OPTIONS status was 400, but expected 200.
Received on Mon Apr 8 21:53:54 2002