Greg Hudson wrote:
>On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 11:49, Karl Fogel wrote:
>>>In other words, if a directory is marked "dirty", then when we send
>>>our update state-report to the server, we enumerate *all* immediate
>>>children in the report, just like CVS does all the time.
>>>I like this solution -- it's much simpler to implement and maintain.
>>>Feels cleaner to me.
>>I like it too!
>Just for the record, it doesn't feel cleaner to me, although it may be
>simpler to implement. It means we have two completely separate
>mechanisms for tracking the state of mixed working directories. I'm not
>even 100% convinced that the new method is entirely correct, though I
>can't think of any screw cases which mess it up. It was a whole lot
>easier to see that the old method was correct.
>So, -0 here, but I think there were enough +1s to overrule me.
Well, -1 from me then. Sure, this makes the client simpler -- at the
expense of making the server more complicated. Never a good thing to do,
Brane Čibej <>
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Received on Mon Mar 18 22:29:59 2002