Yep, I'm an idiot.
I hadn't even *thought* to try just passing the options to it just as
extra lines on the subversion configure.
I feel like a BIG idiot.
That whole "not fixing things that aren't really problems" thing is very
new to me.
Thanks for the whack.
On Tue, 2002-02-12 at 21:16, Greg Stein wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 08:26:59PM -0500, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is the format of this message correct?
> Generally, yes. However, your mailer is wrapping lines, which destroys the
> patch. You can either get your mailer to stop wrapping, or attach the patch.
> If you attach, then make *sure* that it attaches it as a text/plain
> attachment. (not sure what Evolution does here; if you can't tweak the
> attachment type (like Mutt can), then name the patch file .txt so that the
> auto-mime-type will be correct)
Good thing to know for future *useful* patches.
> > Description:
> >
> > When you configure subversion it doesnt give you a way to tell the neon
> > that it includes with it to build with ssl support. ssl is one of the
> > things that I think is very convient about subversion and i think it's
> > great it can get it "for free".
> I'm unclear on why this would be needed. All the arguments that are provided
> to the top-level configure script are copied to the sub-configurations.
> Thus, if you give --with-ssl to SVN's configure, then Neon will see it and
> use it.
> We have the enable/disable shared logic because the defaults are different
> between SVN and Neon. But we don't have a default for SSL; it is private to
> Neon.
> Now, we *do* have an issue in that we don't gather up the help text for
> Neon, so we aren't publishing the --with-ssl switch in ./configure --help.
> But that is a separate problem to what you're doing here.
> What was the actual symptom that you were seeing? Did you pass --with-ssl to
> configure and /not/ have Neon see it?
Jay McCarthy <jay@kenyamountain.com>
aim: rasarasda / irc: feelicks
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