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Re: filesystem oops?

From: <cmpilato_at_collab.net>
Date: 2002-02-04 22:42:53 CET

Karl Fogel <kfogel@newton.ch.collab.net> writes:

> > So...rather than have our current repository have one wrong node, we
> > should have hundreds? The 0 vs. 1 is a total bikeshed -- don't waste
> > my time on it. The point is that all the current code (from
> > predecessor calculation to id distance calculation to successor
> > generation and beyond) expects .1. Why rewrite the whole friggin'
> > system for such a ridiculous bikeshed?
> How much code are we talking about?

I would imagine most of id.c. Not a lot, just tedious little
mathematics and conditionals that have been known to pop up a bug from
time to time as it is. But...

> We have to do a repository cleanup anyway (probably export and
> re-import) eventually.

Not the point. The point is that I posed a problem to the list:

   Every blue seat I buy for my auditoreum has a stupid red stain on
   it. I can either a) fix the machine that makes the chairs so it no
   longer puts that stain there, or b) each time I install a new seat,
   patch up the stained area.

What did I get back from the list as a response?

   Why aren't you decorating in red in the first place?

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