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Clarifications on issue #504

From: Eric W. Sink <eric_at_sourcegear.com>
Date: 2001-12-03 20:24:16 CET

The status page (http://subversion.tigris.org/project_status.html)
shows M9 including a task called "Merging", mentioned as issue #504.
Notes attached to that issue describe the task as "monstrous".

Could someone clarify exactly what will be needed to resolve this
issue? Does "Merging" refer to the merging of branches, through
the use of an "svn merge" subcommand, implementing the behavior
of the -j flag in cvs?

In addition to my own ignorance, my confusion arises from
the perception that svn *already* supports "merging", in at least
one sense of the word. After all, it appears to be shelling out
to call GNU patch to resolve conflicts during 'svn update' operations.

Surely issue 504 does not imply a reimplementation of patch?
Can we assume that subversion 1.0 final will still require the
presence of a separate patch program on the client side?

Eric W. Sink
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Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:51 2006

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