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'svn commit' fails with PROPPATCH error...

From: Jay Freeman \(saurik\) <saurik_at_saurik.com>
Date: 2001-11-17 12:29:26 CET


OK, someone mind telling me what I am doing wrong here? :) What I'm
doing is so fundamental I can't believe it would be a bug.

I installed Apache 2.0b28 and the svn r464 from the website (which is
only 2 days old and is in some way a "release", so I figure that simple
things in it are still applicable to the latest code in the repository).
I added to my httpd.conf:

<Location /svn/repos>
    DAV svn
    SVNPath /cvs/svn

The only other changes I made where to change the User/Group to
apache/apache, and to change the Listen port to 423 (as I already have
Apache 1.3.14 serving web pages on this computer). As for the /cvs,
/cvs is a partition which I have allocated for CVS :).

I then ran svnadmin on that directory and chown -R apache.apache
'd it. I was successfully able to do an svn co in another
directory, so I went ahead, touched a text file, and svn add 'd
it. So far, so good :-P. Then I went and tried to commit, and I got
the following error:

[root(3)@dreadnought repos]# svn commit

svn_error: #21075 : <RA layer's server request failed>
  The log message's PROPPATCH request failed (neon: 1)

I checked the web server's error_log, and got the following:

[Sat Nov 17 02:55:00 2001] [error] [client] Could not
execute PROPPATCH. [500, #206]
[Sat Nov 17 02:55:00 2001] [error] [client] Properties
may only be defined in the svn: and svn:custom: namespaces. [409, #0]

I tried to chmod -R 777 /cvs/svn (as it was mentioned that many
errors might occur due to permission problems), but that didn't help
any. :(... confused...

I thought I'd at least try the latest copy before sending this e-mail,
so I svn'd out the latest svn, compiled it, and apxs'd it. Now Apache
won't even run :). I get:

[root(3)@dreadnought mod_dav_svn]# /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl
Syntax error on line 198 of /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache2/modules/libmod_dav_svn.so into server:
/usr/local/apache2/modules/libmod_dav_svn.so: undefined symbol:

Jay Freeman (saurik)

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