dav COPY method
From: Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman_at_collab.net>
Date: 2001-10-10 22:59:40 CEST
So gstein, in libsvn_ra_dav/commit.c, I see that commit_add_file() has
Well, that day is upon us. I'm mere steps away from implementing 'svn
Let me first state how 'svn cp' (and 'svn mv') will work in the
% svn cp foo bar
1. does a system copy of foo to bar
2. schedules bar for (A)ddition
3. copies foo's properties and timestamps (unchanged) to bar
4. copies foo's pristine file over to bar
5. stores 'copyfrom' args in bar's entry
% svn commit bar
1. client calls editor->add_file(copyfrom_args)
The editor then calls svn_fs_copy(copyfrom_args), which
2. client looks for local text or prop mods, by examining
So, as I understand it, mod_dav should already be aware of the COPY
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