On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 01:40:19AM -0500, Will Andrews wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 11:14:19PM -0400, Garrett Rooney (rooneg@electricjellyfish.net) wrote:
> > i've got a partly done freebsd port of subversion at
> > http://electricjellyfish.net/subversion.tar.gz
> That looks somewhat like the one I wrote up about a week ago
> trying to get svn to compile.
> > i'm going to do the work to make subversion work with the installed
> > version of neon early this week... it's the last really annoying
> > issue. i would like to move to an out of tree apr as well, but
> > apparently subversion is using some of apr's m4 macros, which make
> > this problematic. there should be no problem using the installed
> > version of neon though.
> Well, I guess APR is in Apache 2? .. that's the only place I
> could find anything related to it in the ports tree.
yeah, when i looked that was the only other place it was. i don't
particularly like having both installing their own copy, but at least
at the moment they're installing into their own subdirs so they won't
be overwriting each other.
in the long run, if we could change both of them to use one installed
separately it would be best, but it seems that at the moment they are
fairly entrenched in the respective trees, so it's going to take some
personally i think the neon problem is both more pressing and easier
to solve, so i'm going to tackle that one first.
> > i've already put together a diffutils port, so we can get gdiff, and
> > it's been submitted as a pr. gnu patch also exists as a port. i
> > don't know what the exact behavior subversion requires is, but IIRC
> > freebsd's version purposefully changes it.
> Well, I would prefer to fix this here and now in the subversion
> tree, not because it's the harder way to do the fix ;) but
> because it's the Right Way(tm) to fix it. I.e. I'd prefer to fix
> gnu-[diff,patch].sh so they actually test the diff/patch binaries
> on a system.. 'cause who knows what other systems might have a
> useful diff/patch for subversion and may not be able to use GNU's
> version for some reason? I.e. administrator concern, outdated
> OS, blah blah. :)
yeah, i agree that would probably be best in the long run.
> However, if it is truly required then for the time being I'd
> settle for simply putting the diffutils port in the tree. You
> know, sometimes different versions of utilities match others
> features at various points in time.. ;)
yeah, i figured a port of diffutils would probably be the 'path of
least resistance' and would a good way to get something working now.
> > check out my port and give me any suggestions you have. also, if you
> > could look at my diffutils port and possibly commit it, that would
> > make the subversion port much more useful ;-) it's pr number ports/30362
> Done.
cool, thanks!
garrett rooney Unix was not designed to stop you from
rooneg@electricjellyfish.net doing stupid things, because that would
http://electricjellyfish.net/ stop you from doing clever things.
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