A backslash isn't a valid URL separator. The correct URL form for X:\bla
is file:///X:/bla. It's easy to check this with any half-decent browser.
(MSIE is indecent in that it displays such URLs as Win32 paths, but it
does understand them.)
cmpilato@collab.net wrote:
> "Magnus Sirwi�" <sirwio@hotmail.com> writes:
>> Lets say I have created a repo in C:\svnroot with
>> c:\>svnadmin create C:\svnroot
>> Next I switch to my svn sandbox to import my HelloWorld sources:
>> c:\svnbox>svn import file://localhost/D:\svnroot . HelloWorld
> First of all, unless your C: and D: drives somehow magically map to
> the same location, I can't see how this is beneficial. So. I'm going
> to assume that what you typed was an accident, and pretend that I read
> "...svn import file://localhost/C:\svnroot..." :-)
> Now, with that in mind, let's move on. First of all, my spidey sense
> tells me that something is inherently wrong with a URL that looks like
> that. First of all, if your working copy and repositories are both on
> your C: drive, perhaps the command should have been:
> svn import file://localhost/svnroot . HelloWorld
> However, this makes me wonder what would happen had you created your
> repository in a deeper tree. What happens if you do:
> C:\> svnadmin create C:\svn\repositories\magnus
> C:\> svn import file:///svn/repositories/magnus . Helloworld
> Does it work? Does APR (or even Windows) let us open the path
> '/svn/repositories/magnus' despite the fact that Windows paths are
> backspace-delimited? Does this mean that local repos access on
> Windows only works if the repository is on the same drive as your
> working copy? Is this more fuel for GregS's belief that ra_local
> should not exist at all (since presumably if we were using real http:
> URLs for these operations, Apache itself could translate between
> public paths and physical drive/path mappings)?! If I arrange my
> living room in such a way that my sofa is not centered with the window
> behind it, am I a bad person??! I gotta know!!!
Brane �ibej
home: <brane_at_xbc.nu> http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
work: <branko.cibej_at_hermes.si> http://www.hermes-softlab.com/
ACM: <brane_at_acm.org> http://www.acm.org/
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:29 2006