"Magnus Sirwi�" <sirwio@hotmail.com> writes:
> Lets say I have created a repo in C:\svnroot with
> c:\>svnadmin create C:\svnroot
> Next I switch to my svn sandbox to import my HelloWorld sources:
> c:\svnbox>svn import file://localhost/D:\svnroot . HelloWorld
First of all, unless your C: and D: drives somehow magically map to
the same location, I can't see how this is beneficial. So. I'm going
to assume that what you typed was an accident, and pretend that I read
"...svn import file://localhost/C:\svnroot..." :-)
Now, with that in mind, let's move on. First of all, my spidey sense
tells me that something is inherently wrong with a URL that looks like
that. First of all, if your working copy and repositories are both on
your C: drive, perhaps the command should have been:
svn import file://localhost/svnroot . HelloWorld
However, this makes me wonder what would happen had you created your
repository in a deeper tree. What happens if you do:
C:\> svnadmin create C:\svn\repositories\magnus
C:\> svn import file:///svn/repositories/magnus . Helloworld
Does it work? Does APR (or even Windows) let us open the path
'/svn/repositories/magnus' despite the fact that Windows paths are
backspace-delimited? Does this mean that local repos access on
Windows only works if the repository is on the same drive as your
working copy? Is this more fuel for GregS's belief that ra_local
should not exist at all (since presumably if we were using real http:
URLs for these operations, Apache itself could translate between
public paths and physical drive/path mappings)?! If I arrange my
living room in such a way that my sofa is not centered with the window
behind it, am I a bad person??! I gotta know!!!
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:29 2006