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URLs again

From: Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman_at_newton.ch.collab.net>
Date: 2001-02-16 19:56:59 CET

OK, there's an unresolved issue between Greg S. and Karl: whether
a repository path and fs path should be exposed as seperate objects to
the user (as cvs does), or if they should be expressed as a single URL
(as dav would do it).

I've not yet heard people put out real arguments one way or another;
and I'd like to hear them *now*. I'm tired of beating around the

Here's what I've heard from Greg:

  * `Con' on separation:

      Separation is an old holdover from cvs; the user doesn't need
      to be aware of it.

Here's what I've heard from Karl:

  * `Con' on urls:

      Use-case: Jane checks out a url, then realizes that she wants
      to checkout a larger parent context. But which parent dir? She
      can't tell where the repos starts! Needless obscurity.

Obviously, because I sit next no Karl, I hear his side more. However,
I'm sure that Greg has specific pros/cons... please post them!

-- Referee Ben
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:22 2006

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