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RE: CVS write access req. for WinSVN UI

From: Bill Tutt <billtut_at_microsoft.com>
Date: 2001-01-05 22:19:02 CET

From: Karl Fogel [mailto:kfogel@galois.collab.net]

> Bill Tutt <billtut@microsoft.com> writes:
> > Ping pong. Anyone home? :)

> Sorry, I somehow never saw it.

> > The proposed directory hierarchy is:
> > /win32:
> > svn_com: The COM objects that interfaces the VB code to libsvn_client,
> > libsvn_wc. Written as ATL COM objects.
> > SVNControls: A folder that contains the code for UI controls WinSVN
> > requires. (A modified version of VB Accelerator's SGrid), and all VB
> > WinSVN: The UI source code itself. (VB)
> > Binaries: Any additional required DLLs that we don't need to modify.
> > (VB Accel's windows subclassing DLL, and VB Accel's Image List control).
> > Alternate naming ideas accepted.
> > Setup: Any setup related data, either scripts, Visual Installer .sln
> > files, and possibly built .MSI files. Does anyone have a preference to
> > built .MSIs out of the CVS tree?

> I'm not clear on the concrete directory hierarchy from the above
> description. Can you draw it out visually in ascii? All I'm sure of
> from above is that the top level of subversion would have a win32/
> subdir. :-)

How about this:

> Go ahead and send to dev, I'll watch for it this time.

> Commit access is decided by all the current committers, so I'd need to
> run it by the group anyway.

> > This is really just a prototype. (-v0.9) It doesn't do anything remotely
> > useful atm. The files don't even have copyright notices in them yet.

> That's probably something we should figure out before we check them
> in. Obviously, they'll be Free, question is just who is the copyright
> holder.

The VB Accelerator controls have the following notice in them:

' Name: vbAccelerator S-Grid Control
' Author: Steve McMahon (steve@vbaccelerator.com)
' Date: 22 December 1998
' Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Steve McMahon for vbAccelerator
' Visit vbAccelerator - advanced free source code for VB programmers
' http://vbaccelerator.com
' A serious VB grid control. Can be used to replace the ListView and
MSFlexGrid, and
' can emulate the Outlook message list view.
' Features:
 ... elided for space ...

As well as the notes he puts on his website:

* You are free to use and modify any of the code on the site, but not
to distribute modified versions of my downloads, ActiveX DLLs or OCXs
with the same filename and/or ProgIds. If you have made changes which
you think are beneficial, or have bug reports, then you can email me
(steve@vbaccelerator.com) and I will do my utmost to get the a new
version on the site.

* You can freely distribute the zips available from this site to other
ones, but you must distribute them in their original state and
particularly keep the information and disclaimer text file with the
zip (if it has one!). Notification would be greatly appreciated!

* You can freely distribute any compiled code on the site, or any
products you build using the code.

* If you wish to distribute the source code files by any other means
(i.e. if you want to include it on a CD or any other software media)
then the EXPRESS PERMISSION of the author is REQUIRED.

Any VB source of VBAccelerator controls will follow the first provision.
Any other binary from VBAccelerator would just be the DLL.
Mark said something about talking to Steve about getting permission for the
last provision.

All of the OSS stuff I do (on my own time obviously) is copyrightable by
whoever wants it under the SVN license.
While I may be sending email from this address for convenience sake, I'm
clearly not getting paid to do this stuff. :)

Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:19 2006

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