Ok, the initial WinSVN VB UI prototype is almost ready to be checked into
CVS so that Mark and I can sanely work on it together. So if someone would
be nice enough to grant me CVS write access, that'd be awesome.
The proposed directory hierarchy is:
svn_com: The COM objects that interfaces the VB code to libsvn_client, and
libsvn_wc. Written as ATL COM objects.
SVNControls: A folder that contains the code for UI controls WinSVN
requires. (A modified version of VB Accelerator's SGrid), and all VB atm.
WinSVN: The UI source code itself. (VB)
Binaries: Any additional required DLLs that we don't need to modify.
(VB Accel's windows subclassing DLL, and VB Accel's Image List control).
Alternate naming ideas accepted.
Setup: Any setup related data, either scripts, Visual Installer .sln
files, and possibly built .MSI files. Does anyone have a preference to keep
built .MSIs out of the CVS tree?
I thought about sending this just to Karl, but what the heck, someone else
might be able to do it for him.
This is really just a prototype. (-v0.9) It doesn't do anything remotely
useful atm. The files don't even have copyright notices in them yet.
Received on Sat Oct 21 14:36:19 2006