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File Promotion / Tagging svn vs cvs

From: Don Hoover <dxh_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 2004-08-26 07:39:43 CEST

First off, this might sound a little different because
we use version control for managing unix system
configuration files not application source code.

We have an automated process that automatically checks
out a copy of the CVS tree and pushes these
configuration files out to all the systems. This lets
us centrally manage all our boxes without ever having
to login directly and touch them by hand. It also
gives you an easy place to make global changes, and if
the system dies... you can recreate every
configuration of that system by just doing a base
install and redistributing its last of config files
down to it. It works pretty darn good for managing a
large number of unix systems.

My Question is in CVS, we used tags to keep track of
what files were "ready to be pushed out" and which
ones were still being worked on.

Basically, as a file was "ready" to be pushed out to
all the systems it would be tagged as "PRODUCTION"..
and only files with that tag would be checked out by
the automated system for distributing out to the
systems every day.

This lets the system admins work on stuff and get
stuff setup, like say a new database config or
something and only when they are totally ready does it
get promoted to "PRODUCTION" and pushed out.

Basically we have a tag called PRODUCTION which we
periodically might update with a new file or maybe a
newer version of the file but have them all with the
same TAG name.

So one day the PRODUCTION tag might have a set of
files that looks like this:
file1 version 1.5
file2 version 1.3
file3 version 2.8

We might come along and work on file2, and make a few
changes and test it out, and when we are done working
on that file we will then tag that version of the file
ot be PRODUCTION, so then the cvs tagged tree looks
like this:
file1 version 1.5
file2 version 1.9 **
file3 version 2.8

Can anything like this be done with svn? I know the
difference in the fact that CVS keeps track of version
numbers on every file vs the way svn does it with one
global version number for the whole repository. Maybe
this affects what can and cant be done compared to

For some reason reading the documentation on branches
and tags in svn doesnt present me with an obvious
solution to this question.

Thanks for any input.

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Received on Thu Aug 26 07:40:31 2004

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