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Re: Automatic pretty-print

From: m christensen <dfs_at_xmission.com>
Date: 2004-08-18 20:49:56 CEST

Don't do this. it's a bad idea for several reasons.

The Fact is you are mucking with someone elses code, even if you are the
admin and
(think you)/(actually do know) better.

The fact is pretty print or lint type programs can and do corrupt code
or make non-standard but
more readable format changes that make a mess of code sometimes.

Realize that it is 'you' in this case changing code, supposedly benign
or not.

Admit YOU are changing code and follow the same rules I presume you
expect all developers
to follow.
Build your own working copy, pretty-fy it and update the repository
with appropriate log entries
to document what you did and why. That way when something breaks you can
identify why it happened.

Sloppy and lazy work is demonstrated by lousy formatting, but this is
hardly the only manifestation.
Formatting is easy to fix with the tools you mention but bad code in
general is not.
The developers need to show a bit more effort at being professional.
Even if it's just formatting the code
before check-in or using a decent editor that can do it for them. If
they refuse to do that it undoubtedly means
the code logic and testing is equally poor.

Make them do their job right, IMHO.

Zeus Gómez Marmolejo wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm using subversion since no much time and I think it's great, much more than
>I would like to ask one question. I want all the source .c files in my
>repository to be well pretty-printed, all conforming a common C programming
>style. But the problem is that the programmers don't do the job well, they
>forget to follow the rules and so...
>The ideal think could be at the pre-commit hook execute the pretty printer for
>all the .c source files so that in the repository the files all are well
>stored. Also it would be desirable to check C syntax so all files that are in
>the repository complile all. But I've seen the comments on the pre-commit
>template hook and explicitly reports that the script must not change the
>transaction. So is there a way to transform (pretty-print) the source files
>before committing them?
>If this is not possible, it will be very nice to add it as a new feature :D,
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Received on Wed Aug 18 20:50:27 2004

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