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Inconsistencies in Tortoise.pot

From: Jan Normann Nielsen <lists_at_dubbekarl.dk>
Date: 2006-03-05 13:13:10 CET

Hi guys

I was just reading through the Danish translation to clean it up and fix
some errors, and I stumbled over some inconsistencies in the use of
english terms/spelling.

1. Both of the phrases "ignore list" and "ignored list" are used. I
think we should only use the first, therefore we need to change the
following msgid's:

msgid "Could not remove %s from the ignored list"
msgid "Removed the file(s)\n%s\nfrom the ignored list."

2. Both of the phrases "version control" and "source control" are used.
I don't think the last phrase makes any sense, therefore we should
change the following msgid's:

msgid "Deletes files / folders from source control"
msgid "Renames files / folders inside source control"

3. The words "mime type", "mimetype" and "mime-type" are all used. We
should choose one. The following msgid's are inconsistent:

msgid "SVN mime-type"
msgid "Shows the mime type of the versioned file"
msgid "svn:mime-type\nThe mimetype of the file. Used to determine
whether to merge the file, and how to serve it from Apache. A mimetype
beginning with 'text/' (or an absent mimetype) is treated as text.
Anything else is treated as binary."

4. Capitalization of the words "Save as" is inconsistent. Two of the
following four msgid's should be enough:

msgid "Save &As..."
msgid "Save &as..."
msgid "Save As"
msgid "Save as..."

5. The abbreviations "URL", "url" and "Url" are all used. We should
choose one (the first, I think). The following msgid's should be changed:

msgid "SVN Url"
msgid "SVN short Url"
msgid "Short Url of Subversion items"
msgid "The path/url you've entered seems to be illegal on Windows!\nYou
can try it anyway, but you might get an error later.\n\nA valid path on
windows must not contain '<>|\"?*:' or one of the following device
names:\ncom1-com9, lpt1-lpt9, prn, aux, con, nul, clock$"
msgid "The target url\n%s\nalready exists!"
msgid "Url"
msgid "Url:"

Best wishes,

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Received on Sun Mar 5 13:14:20 2006

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